Happy to have a Doc
When we first found out that we were pregnant we had to start the doctor hunt because I knew that I didn't want to deliver at Doctors. So we end our journey doctor hunting for Pediatrician. We got three great recommendations but decided that we would only meet two. Yesterday we met with Doctor Jerry Miller and today we meet with Doctor Sandra Herzwurm. I was a little thrown off by the office staff at Miller's office when I called to schedule this appointment but tried to go with an open mind. They just wanted us to circle his name at the hospital and read about him on their website. Miller was a very nice doctor whom took the time to sit down and talk to us about our concerns and even joke a little with Todd. My main question for both doctors was about immunizations and how we wish to precede with them. He said that he would do what we wanted however he didn't agree with our reasoning. I was fine with this knowing that we would more than likely not find a doctor that share...