
Showing posts from July, 2009

Happy to have a Doc

When we first found out that we were pregnant we had to start the doctor hunt because I knew that I didn't want to deliver at Doctors. So we end our journey doctor hunting for Pediatrician. We got three great recommendations but decided that we would only meet two. Yesterday we met with Doctor Jerry Miller and today we meet with Doctor Sandra Herzwurm. I was a little thrown off by the office staff at Miller's office when I called to schedule this appointment but tried to go with an open mind. They just wanted us to circle his name at the hospital and read about him on their website. Miller was a very nice doctor whom took the time to sit down and talk to us about our concerns and even joke a little with Todd. My main question for both doctors was about immunizations and how we wish to precede with them. He said that he would do what we wanted however he didn't agree with our reasoning. I was fine with this knowing that we would more than likely not find a doctor that share...

The finishing touch

Today Richard Worth came over to paint the finishing touches in Wyatt's nursery. The mural is beautiful and we think it really does complete the nursery. Enjoy the pictures!


Nancy, Todd and I decided at the last minute to take one more trip and we picked VEGAS! Todd loves going to Las Vegas and I have to admit I love it too! My feet and ankles didn't enjoy the long plane ride but after a nice massage they were feeling much better. We played lots of black jack and enjoyed one of my favorite shows, Jersey Boys! We also enjoyed some very nice dinning and relaxation. I can't wait to go back but who knows when that will be! I think when Wyatt turns 21 we will have to take him to Vegas.

33 Weeks

I wasn't going to put this picture up but what the heck! I am now 34 weeks along and ready to meet Wyatt. I am getting bigger everyday, not only my stomach but my feet and ankles as well. I love the fact that I can now just look down at my stomach and see him move and even feel him. We can't wait to meet him!

My wonderful Husband

I wanted to take a minute to talk about my wonderful husband who is going to be a daddy in a mere 62 days... maybe sooner! I don't think that men really understand the bond and love that a woman feels for her child even before its born. We get to feel all the kicks and flutters and there is that connection that I just can't explain. The men have to go through 9 months of waiting, only seeing ultrasound pictures and hearing the heartbeat at doctors appointments. If they are lucky they can feel the baby kick and move but for Todd this doesn't happen often because Wyatt stops as soon as his hand touches my belly. So the men have to sit back, watch the belly's grow, listen to us rejoice and complain about what the baby's been doing but they don't really have that connection. Todd has been very supportive, helpful and understanding about everything that I have gone through and continue to go through. I think that Todd is going to be the best support person/coach an...

31 week update

I am now 31 weeks pregnant and as much as I do love being pregnant.... I can't wait to meet Wyatt. For the past month he has enjoyed kicking my ribs on the right side and some days they are so sore its hard to move. I can feel him more throughout the day which I love except when I am trying to fall asleep and he decides that is the time he is going to kick and move. Todd and I are trying to go the beach as much as we can before I can no longer travel and over the past month we have been to Kiawah twice to visit with Nancy and Morgan. We love going to visit and hanging out by the pool and taking the boat out. We did learn that Wyatt and I don't enjoy bumpy boat rides or being in the hot sun for to long. We have also taken three of our four childbirth classes at University hospital and I just have to say I love them!!! I love that Todd and I have two and a half hours together of learning about our upcoming delivery and just being together with no other distractions. Todd has lear...

Wyatt's nursery

It took us a little time to decide what we wanted the nursery to look like. I knew that I didn't want something bold or to baby looking but something relaxing and peaceful. So we decided to go with a bedding from Serena and Lily that is just perfect. Its a white bumper with light grey elephants, giraffes, alligators and birds combined with a light tan color. There is also a hint of light green on the bumper and on the sheets. My favorite thing about the bedding is that its all organic, the mattress, mattress cover, sheets, bumper and the changing pad. We painted the room a blueish white color and added a light blue rug. The green glider is one of my favorite pieces in the nursery. It brings out the green in the bumper and in the sheets. Its almost complete the only thing we are lacking is the mural that we are having painted on the wall and of course Wyatt!