Wyatt at 26 weeks

I Love 3D/4D ultrasounds! Love, love, love them! On Friday May 29th we headed to the doctor to see Wyatt up close and personal. At 10:30 when I wasn't at the doctor yet he was going crazy, moving and kicking so I thought that this would be a perfect day to see him. At 1:10 we headed back and there he was, of course he had his fingers in front of his face and the umbilical cord also right in front of him. After an hour of poking and moving from one side to the other then front and then back he finally got mad, turned away from us and we got to see the back of his head. She did measure him and told us that he weighs 2.7 lbs.

I was told that we could try again in an hour and that I should go drink some water and come back. Mom and Todd had to leave but I went to get a small frosty and a large bottle of cold water and then headed back to the doctor. We got some amazing pictures, of course he does like his hands near his face but thats just him and I got to see him make some great little faces at us. We can also say he is definitely a he!


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