23 week update

Wyatt is a very active little boy! Maybe he has restless leg like his dad or maybe he will be a soccer player. I could be sitting in my car, studying for an exam (he really hated that), laying in bed or on my side trying to get some sleep and he is going to be doing something. I'm not sure if he is flipping or turning, kicking or poking but he is doing something! A couple of nights ago was a first for Todd. He actually felt Wyatt move! 

I think God has a way of preparing a soon to be mother for all the sleepless nights to come. I haven't slept through the night since about 15 weeks, well I take that back there was one night I made it from 11:30 until 5:30 and I was amazed! Not only am I kept up by having to go to the bathroom but Coby and Kenzie also feel that at around 1 or 2 maybe even 3 they also need to get up and go out. I love sleep and already miss sleeping through the night. I miss being able to sleep on my stomach, my back and without two body pillows but at least I am not getting up at every 3 hours.... not yet anyway. 

As of Tuesday Wyatt weighed 1.06 lbs! Thanks Laurie!! It was such a treat to see him and hear his little heartbeat, 147bmp. His room is now painted, furniture has been ordered, his bathroom is put together and he even has a rocking chair in the living room (well it just has to be delivered). Now we just need our baby boy and I know we have a ways to go. 


  1. Nicole, it's totally true about God preparing you for sleepless nights. I have never slept the same since my first pregnancy. I would kill for an amazing night's sleep...no worrying about another being. :) Just kidding, but know that I understand!!!


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