Win for the Morning... it's only 9 though

I had a win this morning and it was kind of a big win for me. So for just a minute I am going to brag. Go with it, I'm a little excited... mom if you're reading this I think you would be proud- they were in line on time!

5:40am: Quick Shower/wash face/ etc.
6am: Greeted a little to early by a sweet smiley curly headed face looking for Jax
Quick Cuddle
TV turned on
Hair Dried
Got myself dressed
Two lunches packed up
Two snacks packed
My lunch packed
Heated my scrambled eggs up
Heated kids breakfast up
Got bags by the door
Grabbed Wyatt's clothes for Picture day out of dryer!

6:45am: little boy greeting me with a confused look because its mommy and not daddy getting him his breakfast ready.
Wyatt gets dressed
Let’s Dog out
Feeds Dog
Dress McKinley
Fix Hair
Fuss a little about shoes and ruffle dress socks but mommy wins that one

7:15am: Load up in the car buckle and head to school!!!!

Got some gas and was literally walking into Target at 8 out by 8:50 with a coffee and sitting in my desk by 9am! That's what I am calling productive!

This is a WIN for me because when I have to take the kids I am ALWAYS late or RIGHT ON TIME! Today being picture day and them needing to be dressed up and her hair fixed makes it even harder. Now I will say this probably would not have been possible if I could have stopped to do makeup but there's no need to go into those little details right? I am also extremely tired. In order to make all this run smooth I cooked the scrambled eggs last night after small group and put the lunches together last night, so I didn't get to bed until around 11. Once I was finally asleep the lovely Jax needed to go out at 12:30 and then as I was just asleep again McKinley came in. So needless to say I am dragging but feeling accomplished.

Being a working mom is hard and I think sometimes we can be to hard on ourselves. So I'm thankful for today's small win and getting out the house in one piece and not yelling and no crying and on time! I'm sure that 4 it will have snowballed, I will be behind on work because I took 10 minutes to do this or I forgot to do something else I set out to do, but for now, I'm celebrating this. Celebrate the small moments. For all of the working single moms and dads out there, who do this on their own every day, I am not sure how you do it but you are amazing!


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