
Showing posts from October, 2011

6 Month Stats

*15lbs and 9oz *25 inches long *wearing size 2 diapers and 3 at night *wearing 6-9 month and 9-12 month kissy kissy. 6-9 months in most everything else.

McKinley Six Months Old

McKinley is 6 months old. Where did the time go?!? *EATING: Picky girl! McKinley’s feeding schedule looks a little something like this… 7:45/8:30 somewhere in there: 4 oz bottle 8:45/9: half a jar of breakfast food 9:30/10:00 sometime before she naps: 4-6oz bottle 11:30: we try a 4 oz bottle it’s a hit or miss 12:00: Jar of vegetables or fruit 1:30/2:30 sometime before her afternoon nap: 8 oz bottle 4:30: 4 oz bottle if we are lucky 6:00: Jar of vegetables 7:15: 8 oz bottle We have learned that you will eat when you want to eat! She has gotten better at drinking her bottle, there were 2-3 weeks where she was very difficult to feed! She would turn her head at the sight of it. Now McKinley sees it and normally wants it. She is also so much better at eating her baby food. I think 6 months hit and she was loving it. Her favorite is plum baby organics. She will eat the entire tube of it and want more. Not a big fan of peas/carrots or green beans but sometimes you can sneak them in...

We have a picky princess on our hands

When Wyatt was 6 months old, he would eat 8 oz at a time, about every 4 hours. Sometimes he would even cry when I took the bottle away. With McKinley, its a different story. She will eat when she wants and what she wants. It has been so hard to get her on a schedule because at 7:30 she might want the full 8oz and then she will make it 4 hours, but she may only want 2oz and then she is hungry 2 hours late. I can almost always manage to get between between 24-28 oz in her by the end of the day, and this makes me happy! The past couple days though, feeding time has been pure torture. She will toss her head back, purse her lips together and flat our refuse to drink her bottle. After battling with her for 10 minutes, I manage to get her to drink 1-4oz. Today she has had a total of 19oz for the day and two meals (today they were bigger meals than normal). A couple things I am worried about.... *She isn't getting enough to eat. *She will wake up in the middle of the night! (Ahhhhh! Say it...

Wyatt wants to pick out his shirts....

Wyatt has never cared much about what he wears. I could just put something on him and he was a happy camper. The past week or so has been a different story. Some days he doesn’t care but other days, if he knows I am about to get him dressed he will tell me what shirt he wants to where. For example: The kid loves super heroes and Buzz! So one day I ask him do you want Batman or Superman? I thought if I give him two to choose from, it’s a win win, mommy gets him in something decent and he is picking it out. Well that day he said, “hulk!” Ok no biggie, he has a hulk shirt! I go in the closet and can’t find it. I have no idea where it is. After about 10 minutes he finally gives in to batman. The next day was wear your jersey to school day, so I show him his Steelers jersey. “Batman” he says! He would not put it on! Somehow though, I convinced him that he should wear his jersey, and before we left for school he put it on. This morning I laid out a couple of shirts that I hadn’t hung up yet,...