
Showing posts from November, 2011

On a Monday

We woke up and stayed in bed a little longer than we normally do Wyatt had cinnamon rolls while McKinley ate baby food M took a nap and Wyatt rode his "horse" buckeye And his "bike" Wyatt had 5 accidents while we made an attempt to work on potty training. We made a quick trip to target and chick-fil-a! Mimi came over to make cookies and play VERY SHORT naps were had by W and M While M took a late nap, Wyatt made a get well card for Nana Then decorated the cookies he baked with Mimi Aren't they pretty? Mommy went to spin of the cookie and Wyatt and McKinley had fun with Kristin! What a great day! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thanksgiving weekend....

Started our holiday weekend watching the parade! Ready to eat turkey A 2.5 hour nap! Fun afternoons Put up the tree and other Christmas decorations Friday night double date at Monkey Joes... Sat in a highchair for the first time and loved it! And while Wyatt spent Saturday night at Mimi and Papas, mommy read books to McKinley.... - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

7 Month Stats

*Size 3 diaper and a night diaper but about to go to size 4 at night *wearing mostly 6-9 months with some 9 month outfits. She has a hard time fitting into the 6 month pants, they fall right off her!

MCkinley Seven Months Old

McKinley’s day looks alittle like this…. 6:30/7:00 wake up for the day. 7:00: 6 -8 oz bottle 8:30: breakfast- only eats about half a jar 9:30: 6oz bottle 9:40-11:00- morning nap 11:30: lunch- about a jar and a half 1:30/2:00:8oz bottle 1:45/2:00-3:30: afternoon nap- sometimes longer or shorter depending on how her morning nap went and how early or late she went down. I try to keep her up for 2.5 to 3 hours. In between morning and afternoon nap. 4:30: 4-6oz bottle *maybe a cat nap if you are really tired 6:00: dinner 7:10: bath/pjs and 8oz bottle 7:30 asleep for the night SLEEP: I can’t complain for one minute about her sleeping habits!!! I will even venture to say that they are better than Wyatts and I always thought Wyatt was a great sleeper. McKinley will sleep between 11-12 hours everynight without waking, some times she wakes at around 5 or 6 because of a dirty diaper but she will go right back down after being changed. For naps, she will take a bottle, her blankie and go right to ...