30 week update

Let's change it up a bit.....

SLEEP: up at 1 or 1:30 to use the bathroom (this is like clock work) then again up around 4, maybe 5 sometimes 6 and wide awake! Struggle to go back to sleep. My mind starts turning with the change that is about to take place.

She moves all the time. Sometimes it feels like she is doing flips and other times just kicking me to let me know she is still there. I really feel her at night when I am laying on my side trying to sleep. I love feeling her move though!

Hitting 30 weeks really made me think about things. I have a HUGE list that keeps running through my head and nothing seems to be getting checked off the list, things just keep being added. Hopefully this weekend we can put check marks in some of the boxes.

Today was another LONG doctors appointment. Doctor Williams thinks she might be head down now and everything else seems to look good. We also talked about doing another c-section but I really want to see if she will come on her own. I would love to experience giving birth and not just being cut open. We have talked about a date in case she doesn't come because I DO NOT want to be induced. I'm praying she comes before the date though!!!


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