I have thought of a million different posts but every time I sit to type them something happens and I can't seem to get focused. So let me play catch up.... *McKinley is a walker! She woke up from her afternoon nap at my parents house and took off, she hasn't slowed down since. She looks like a little lady who has had a little to much to drink! I love watching them when they first learn to walk. *Wyatt is potty training. I woke up one Saturday morning and discovered that we were out of diapers for him, so we threw on the underwear and didn't turn back. It hasn't been that bad. I think he was ready this time. We had tried a few times before and it NEVER worked! He actually got it! Sure, we had a few accidents but he is now going like a champ! He is even waking up dry from naps and nighttime. They only thing he wont do, is poop in the potty! This is our current obstacle! We are taking any and all advice! He has gone three times on the potty, one for me and twice for K...